Prosumption behaviour of Polish consumers in the food market
consumer, consumption, consumer behaviour, prosumer, prosumptionAbstract
With the development of the Internet, social media, Web 2.0 and the e-economy prosumption expands at an increasingly fast pace. In their book Wikinomics: how mass collaboration changes everything D. Tapscott and A. Williams have recently popularised prosumption, conferring it the status of a basic activity in the new economy characterised by predominantly
cooperative and peer-to-peer relations among its participants. In today’s world it is prosumption that allows some consumers to become innovative and creative rather than passive recipients. Becoming prosumers they acquire awareness of their rights and position in the market, which more and more often puts pressure on firms to redefine their strategies, treat customers as their equals, and enter into relations with them. The purpose of the article is to capture the prosumption behaviours of Polish consumers in the food market, to determine their intensity and to identify major factors contributing to their occurrence.
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