Effective time management: Combining work and higher education
time management, studies, professional work, organization, planAbstract
In today’s world, good time management is essential. People have more and more responsibilities and the day is still only twenty-four hours long. In order to fulfill all the goals for a given time unit, one need’s to properly manage one’s time, which is not easy. The theoretical part of the article discusses the concept of time management. The simplest definition of time management and one of the main methods of time management are discussed. Additionally, the Pareto principle and Parkinson’s law are introduced. In the empirical part of the article, the results of a study conducted with the use of a proprietary questionnaire are analysed. The questionnaire was aimed at economically active students. Most students rate their time management skills as good and see it improving since they combined studies and work. Students also find combining studies and work difficult, requiring good organization. Additionally, the experience of the author, a professionally active third-year undergraduate student at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, informed the research.In today’s world, good time management is essential. People have more and more responsibilities and the day is still only twenty-four hours long. In order to fulfill all the goals for a given time unit, one need’s to properly manage one’s time, which is not easy. The theoretical part of the article discusses the concept of time management. The simplest definition of time management and one of the main methods of time management are discussed. Additionally, the Pareto principle and Parkinson’s law are introduced. In the empirical part of the article, the results of a study conducted with the use of a proprietary questionnaire are analysed. The questionnaire was aimed at economically active students. Most students rate their time management skills as good and see it improving since they combined studies and work. Students also find combining studies and work difficult, requiring good organization. Additionally, the experience of the author, a professionally active third-year undergraduate student at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, informed the research.
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