Gradual changes in the energy industry’s approach to environmental and climate protection through the further development of renewable energy sources


  • Zenon Ślusarczyk Author



renewable energy sources, greenhouse gas reduction, sustainability, sustainable development


The reduction of greenhouse gases announced by the European Union and the rising price of natural gas are the main factors driving changes in the approach of energy dis-tributors to the further development of renewable energy sources (RES). In this respect, the author felt it appropriate to briefly discuss the importance of nuclear energy. Definitively, this energy does not belong to the RES, although it is characterised by low emissions. However, it is related to them in terms of a constant supply of electricity regardless of weather changes (sunshine and wind strength). The article is a continuation of several previous articles on similar topics published in this journal, and its aim is to analyse the issue of fossil fuel use and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the context of changing attitudes of energy producers and distributors to the further development of renewable energy sources.

According to the author, the agreement on the use of fossil fuels and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions are currently the most important factors driving a change in the approach of energy producers and distributors to the further development of renewable energy sources. These issues are considered in terms of environmental safety and sustainability. State and municipal authorities are involved. Their implementation depends to a large extent on large energy companies, but also on prosumers. This is an evolving process that requires constant monitoring and appropriate legal and management responses. And also the expansion of forms of financial support for the relevant actors.


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Author Biography

  • Zenon Ślusarczyk

    PhD, associate professor at the University of Siedlce and the Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz, retired university teacher, editor-in-chief of “Innovative Management in Economy and Business.”


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How to Cite

Gradual changes in the energy industry’s approach to environmental and climate protection through the further development of renewable energy sources. (2024). Innovative Management in Economy and Business, 2/37, 13–20.

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