Involvement in work-life balance activities – the perspective of selected organizations operating in Poland
work-life balance, Diversity Charter signatories, reconciliation of professional and private lifeAbstract
Work-life balance can be considered both at the level of the individual (employee) and at the level of organizations, labour groups or even societies. In the most general terms, it occurs when work does not hijack a person’s non-work life, in particular, a person’s leisure time, and vice versa, when non-work life does not happen at the expense of work. It used to be that work-life balance was understood only in terms of time – the number of hours spent at home and at work. In the age of digitization and computerization, work-life balance has taken on a slightly different meaning. Not insignificant for these issues are the changes that have occurred in workplaces and employee-employer relations, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the article is to present how companies operating in Poland engage in work-life reconciliation activities. The authors want to show that companies that have experience and are active in implementing CSR and diversity management solutions take a wider range of work-life balance policies/programs than the others.
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