The diversity of contemporary biographies and the need for reflection in the development of adults


  • Kamila Lasocińska Autor



individualization, separation of experience, mass phenomena, loneliness of fate, relationship uncertainty, internal consistency, adult development, reflexivity


The diversity of lifestyles (biographies) in modern society results from the possibility of different approaches and attitudes towards situations or life problems and assumes an individual interpretation of events and the ability to participate in various activities, social groups or situations. This means the need to learn to cope with the inconsistency of experiences and the variety of possibilities and life choices. Self-creation, which assumes distance and self-reflection, as well as finding unity through narrative and biographical activity, becomes important. Obtaining a sense of coherence occurs when a person accepts the complexity of situations and their different interpretations. Man is not a passive recipient of the influence of the media and prevailing trends, but a person who can interpret, analyze and give meaning to what surrounds him and is the result of changes. He chooses himself, his life path, shapes relationships with others, and learns to respond to difficult experiences.


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How to Cite

The diversity of contemporary biographies and the need for reflection in the development of adults. (2024). Civitas Hominibus, 8, 55-66.