The Development of Finnish Welfare Society and Business Life


  • Anna Westman Autor



welfare society, war, business, development


This article considers the development of Finnish welfare society and business life mainly between 1880–1940. The main idea is to map the development of Finland from an agricultural state to an industrial state. The theoretical starting point is the social-historical and financial development of Finland. Finland was a part of the kingdom Sweden (1150–1809) and Russian Empire (1809–1917). Finland became independent in 1917. Industrialisation started in the mid-nineteenth century. Infrastructure of services developed rapidly during that time, for example wood processing, textile industry, metal and engineering factories were established. The development of the local government and state administration as well as party political system supported the development of industry and business. The First World War influenced the development of the industrialization and business life. 


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How to Cite

The Development of Finnish Welfare Society and Business Life. (2024). Civitas Hominibus, 9, 85-93.

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