The Role of women’s social activists in the creation of cultural life among polish female prisoners in concentration camps during World War II.


  • Katarzyna Wodarska-Ogidel Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences Autor



survival strategies, cultural life, concentration camps, paratheatrical forms, defense against dehumanization, mental escape, social activists, Janina Peretjatkowicz, Karla Lanckorońska, Maja Berezowska, Waleria Felchnerowska, Matylda Woliniewska


One form of survival in extremely harsh conditions of concentration camps was the sustenance of cultural life, which speaks to the immensely important role of culture in maintaining humanity and one's own identity. Participation in even the smallest cultural events brought a piece of a different world into the lives of the imprisoned. It could involve personal creativity, recitations of well-known works, or active or passive involvement in various forms of performance, which were the easiest means of artistic expression.

Analyzing the history of individuals like Janina Peretjatkowicz, Karla Lanckorońska, Maria Berezowska, Waleria Felchnerowska, or Matylda Woliniewska, who were involved in creating internal camp structures, mutual aid, and educational-cultural life, we see that the greatest influence on the success of these initiatives in women's camps was the activity of educated and professionally active women before the war. Their inner strength, and often their experiences in social work, motivated the entire group to take collective action.



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How to Cite

The Role of women’s social activists in the creation of cultural life among polish female prisoners in concentration camps during World War II. (2016). Civitas Hominibus, 11, 115-122.

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