The meaning of borders in post-soviet countries (on the example of Belarus and its neighbouring countries)


  • Faina Nakanechnaya University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź Autor



identity, cross border cooperation, cultural identity, choice, llifestyle


The problem of identity, including the cross-border identity of people, has become one of the central concerns of social scientists due to the collapse of the bipolar world and the emergence of organisations of regional governance. Border and regions that have borders with national states belonging to different cultures and civilisations feel the most powerful influence of the border in all respects. Cross-border cooperation, which builds its own sociocultural connections “on top of” formalised borders, exists in various forms, ranging from the simplest local border contacts to cross-border and cross-cultural interaction. Very often, cross-border cooperation occurs across international borders. Accordingly, international borders and cross-border regions are designated. The geographical position and the special status of the territory create a specific socio-economic, political and socio-cultural community. The study of cross-border regions is conducted in various aspects – in geopolitical, sociological, historical, demographic, and ecological meanings.


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How to Cite

The meaning of borders in post-soviet countries (on the example of Belarus and its neighbouring countries). (2020). Civitas Hominibus, 14, 105-114.

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