Between freedom of choice and the economic compulsion – the pension system in the face challenges of growing demographic burden




economic activity, demography, social politics, labour market, population ageing, retirement age, demographic changes


From the early 1990s demographic changes in Poland, characterised by an increase in life expectancy and a decline in fertility rates, have resulted in an increase in the old-age dependency ratio. An ageing population poses demographic and socio-economic challenges which, in turn, lead to a steady increase in public spending and changes in the functioning of pension systems. Pension benefits may be reduced and the retirement age increased. The increase in the proportion of the elderly in the population should therefore prompt us to take countermeasures to eliminate at least some of the negative effects. This article points out the significant links between demographic changes and the deteriorating situation of the pension system. It emphasizes that the reforms of the pension system, which are not always widely supported by society, become a condition for the realization of one of the most important principles of sustainable socio-economic development – intergenerational equity. The main objective of this paper is to identify the most significant implications of the demographic crisis on changes in the socio-economic situation of the country, using the example of the pension system, and to present selected solutions in order to better adapt to the new demographic order. The focus is on the need to increase the labour force participation of senior citizens, whose potential is insufficiently utilized. Due to the complexity and comprehensiveness of the problem, the article provides only a limited outline of the issues. 


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How to Cite

Between freedom of choice and the economic compulsion – the pension system in the face challenges of growing demographic burden . (2022). Civitas Hominibus, 16, 7-18.

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