Penitentiary isolation and the right to freedom of religion in theory and practice




prison isolation, right to religious freedom, prison chaplain, inmate


The right to freedom of conscience and religion is one of the fundamental rights of every individual. It is not only a law, but also a specific human freedom that regulates life in society. Access to these rights and freedoms is granted to every person, regardless of sex, nationality, faith or even social status. The law of religious freedom must be respected in all areas of life. Penitentiary isolation is a reality guided by different principles. Persons convicted by final court judgments face certain limitations, but under Polish law they are guaranteed freedom of conscience and religion. This is mainly mentioned in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. The author, considering the subject of penitentiary isolation in theory and practice, focused primarily on the relationship between reality and legal regulations. The author conducted an interview in the Gniezno Metropolitan Curia with bp. Radosław Orchowicz, who for many years served as a prison chaplain.


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How to Cite

Penitentiary isolation and the right to freedom of religion in theory and practice. (2022). Civitas Hominibus, 17(1), 51-61.

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