Features of the implementation of Ukraine’s environmental policy at the local level





ecology, environmental policy, public administration, environmental management, legal acts


The article notes that the concept of “environmental policy” is often used in regulations, but its content is not disclosed. This determines the relevance of scientific research in this field. The article is devoted to the study of essence and substance, the specifics of the implementation of Ukraine’s environmental policy at the local levels. Environmental policy analysis through the prism of the legal nature of public administration in the field of environment allows the division of its directions and levels of implementation. The realization of state environmental policy on the ground is implemented simultaneously by three systems: the system of local councils and their executive bodies, the system of local state administrations and the system of territorial executive bodies in the field of environmental management. The subjects of these systems interact on the basis of coordination and subordination and endowed with broad powers in the field of environmental management within their territories. Research of the environmental component at the local level is inextricably linked with developments in the direction of environmental protection security of the region and the state. Adjacent to the concept of environmental policy is the concept of public administration: in the environmental sphere, nature management, natural resources, environmental protection. The concepts of “environmental management”, “environmental and economic management”, “environmental activities” and others are also common among scientists.


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How to Cite

Features of the implementation of Ukraine’s environmental policy at the local level. (2024). Civitas Hominibus, 17(1), 27-36. https://doi.org/10.25312/2391-5145.17/2022_03ts

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