German Attitudes towards the Integration of Visegrad Group Countries with the European Union


  • Justyna Kłys University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw Autor



European Union, Federal Republic of Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Visegrad Group, EU enlargement, public opinion polls, German press


German attitudes towards the integration of Visegrad Group countries with the European Union The article attempts to present the role and place of the Federal Republic of Germany within the difficult and complicated process of integrating the Visegrad Group countries – Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia – with the European Union. The article discusses the position of political elites, the attitude of society and of selected, influential German press. Analysis has been conducted on the basis of selected problems arising in mutual bilateral and multilateral relations in the context of EU enlargement. The analysis is supplemented by an evaluation of research on public opinion as well as of reports which have appeared in printed media. The article focuses on the period from 1998 to 2004. The purpose of the article is to give a comprehensive account of the fact that the idea of EU enlargement with the Visegrad Group countries, except for differences in negotiating positions, was generally accepted in the Federal Republic of Germany by political elites; however, the position of German society was different. German society expressed reluctance and held extremely sceptical and suspicious attitudes towards EU enlargement. These views were based on prejudices and concerns which were, to some extent, derived from the political and economic weakness of candidate countries. The analysis of selected published reports showed that the influential press focused on the costs and threats related to the accession of Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia to the EU structures, and failed to provide accurate and complex information about opportunities and benefits. This proves that there are problems with the social legitimisation of the enlargement process.


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How to Cite

German Attitudes towards the Integration of Visegrad Group Countries with the European Union . (2017). Civitas Hominibus, 12, 147-162.

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