Aspects of the European Union’s climate policy in the context of the opportunities offered by the building sector – innovation in action
European Commission, Europe, climate neutrality, energy, climateAbstract
The European Commission wants Europe to become climate-neutral by 2050. 28 November 2018. The Commission has set out a long-term strategic vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and, above all, climate-neutral economy by 2050, showing how Europe can lead the way in achieving this goal by investing in realistic technologies, empowering citizens and adapting policies in such areas like industrial policy, finance and research. In this transition process, social justice must also be guaranteed. The Commission’s vision for a climate-neutral future, following the suggestions of the European Parliament and the European Council, covers almost all EU policies and is in line with the Paris Agreement objective of keeping the temperature increase well below 2°C and trying to bring it down to 1.5°C. The Commission adopted its strategic vision on 28 November 2018 in advance of the UN Climate Summit (COP24), which took place from 2 to 14 December in Katowice. Clean technologies are opening up new opportunities for industry and investors, even if capital markets are slower to adapt to the climate economy. Renewable technologies such as solar, hydro or wind energy are expected to enable the EU to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90% by 20502.
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