About a crisis of the European integration





crisis, the European integration process, liberalism


This article outlines selected causes of the European integration crisis and the potential consequences of the collapse of unification tendencies in Europe. It elucidates the reasons for the contestation of projects that aim to deepen cooperation within the European Union. The consequences of the declining confidence in the liberal paradigm of world politics are discussed, as well as the reasons for the superficial imitation of processes of Europeanization that lead to the reconstruction of the former centre-peripheral divisions. The relationship between democratic deficit within Europe and the decline of the integration regime’s legitimacy are also discussed. The article comments on the possible effects of disintegration tendencies in the area of civil rights, as well as the impact of disintegration on the sense of security in Europe. According to the author, the above phenomena may initiate a split in the Western world and rupture its political unity. This in turn could lead to an era of fear and uncertainty, prior to the creation of a new order on the continent.


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How to Cite

About a crisis of the European integration. (2021). Civitas Hominibus, 15, 7-20. https://doi.org/10.25312/2391-5145.15/2020_01an

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