Implementation of the principle nullum crimen sine lege for an administrative offence in the area of banking law in Poland and Germany




nullum crimen sine lege principle, human rights, administrative offences, banking law, financial penalty


The guiding principle of a penal law, of fundamental importance for human rights, is the principle of legalism – nullum crimen sine lege, which means that there is no criminal act without a precise definition of it in a legal act. When the principle in question is implemented, every person can be sure that they will be punished only for the conduct strictly specified in the legal act and within limits prescribed by law. The rule discussed above also applies to acts that constitute administrative offences. Compliance with this rule is essential in the model of liability for them because the anticipated fines are counted in millions of zlotys, as in the case of banking law, and the legislator continues to expand the catalogue of legal acts, in which this category of acts is introduced. In Poland and Germany, the liability model for administrative offences is shaped differently, and in both countries, there is a visible increase in the number of regulations introducing this type of liability. The above shows a new challenge, the need to verify that the nullum crimen sine lege principle is guaranteed to the persons concerned. 


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How to Cite

Implementation of the principle nullum crimen sine lege for an administrative offence in the area of banking law in Poland and Germany. (2024). Civitas Hominibus, 17(1), 77-90.

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