Flexicurity as a form of social security in the current economic crisis


  • Tomasz Herudziński SGGW in Warsaw Author
  • Krzysztof Bondyra Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Author




flexicurity, welfare state, labour market, globalisation, economic crisis


The paper refers to the basic form of social security which is a work safety. The concept of flexicurity, which won particular popularity in Europe, is treated here as a tool of the welfare state subject to integration processes crossing national borders. Global processes such as the global economic crisis and demographic changes make it necessary to look for new security solutions on the labor market. Flexicurity is the answer to conflicting needs of society. Employers with an emphasis on competitiveness and social security of workers waiting. The high level of competitiveness is to provide flexibility understood as a smooth transition between different phases their careers. In particular: searching for their first job, job changes, assistance for the unemployed and the stage of retirement. Safety is treated here as a form employee’s position in the labor market which is achieved inter alia through lifelong learning to the employee. In the first part article focuses on the characteristics of the concept of flexicurity. Subsequently discussed the different models of f lexicurity. For example, Denmark and the Netherlands have been described two different ways to implement the idea of f lexicurity. Examples of German and Polish used to point to selected problems related to the implementation of ideas f exicurity.

Author Biographies

  • Tomasz Herudziński, SGGW in Warsaw

    Dr. – assistant, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences

  • Krzysztof Bondyra, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

    Dr – assistant professor, Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences.


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How to Cite

Flexicurity as a form of social security in the current economic crisis. (2024). Innovative Management in Economy and Business, 2/21, 183-193. https://doi.org/10.25312/

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