Information technologies in support of automated environmental monitoring of surface water




computer systems and applications, automated monitoring systems, surface water quality assessment support, environmental protection, Odra river delta


In this paper information technologies that support the automated environmental monitoring of surface water are presented. Selected examples of environmental monitoring systems for surface water in some countries are listed. The Global UNEP program of water protection GEMS/Water is also mentioned (United Nations Environmental Protection – Global Environment Monitoring System / Water). The State Environment Monitoring System in Poland for surface water research performed and coordinated by PIOS – Polish State Agency for Environment Protection are described. The necessity and possibilities of information technology especially databases, GIS and specialized computer applications (e.g. DBLIST/EC) for data gathering, storing, processing and supporting water quality assessment are also specified. The automated station on the Odra River at Widuchowa monitoring site (near Szczecin city) is described. The extraordinary risk of contamination of the Odra Estuary by chemicals or oils from ships due to leakage or release is noted. The extending of automated monitoring on Szczecin Lagoon is proposed – an automated station located on a buoy with wireless – radio wave data transmission (with Internet possibilities usage). The advantages  of automated surface waters monitoring were emphasised.

Author Biography

  • Liwiusz Siemianowski, University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź

    Dr. Liwiusz Siemianowski – assistant professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Technology of the University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź.


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How to Cite

Information technologies in support of automated environmental monitoring of surface water . (2024). Innovative Management in Economy and Business, 2/31, 107-121.

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