The global socio-cultural aspect in the international space


  • Janusz Ostrowski Autor



democracy, globalization, society, free market, capitalism


This article aims to advance the discussion on practical stimulation of global civil society. It also contains a historical analysis of the basis of its functioning in the international space. Globalization changes necessitate the assessment and implementation of most international processes not only from the perspective of the policies of nation states. Many of them are processes that disintegrate the international space, which once influenced its partial integration and the creation of national communities. The fight against global warming, terrorism, international crime, religious fundamentalism and, finally, the problem of mass economic emigration are issues for supranational and supra-state institutions, politically and economically independent of the influence of international corporations, as well as the political interests of countries that are shaping themselves to be superpowers. The nation state, given the current global conditions, should no longer be the only and uncritical political entity in the area of ​​international relations. Although it competes with transnational monopolies and financial institutions on the global economic and financial scene, it still does not have a substantive and critical adversary for its foreign policy activities. A critical zone, as well as a real competitor of state organizations in relation to their foreign policy, may become the subjectification of the activities of global civil society in the area of ​​international relations. Every action in the modern global space, both in the economic sphere and in the field of political reactions, must be subject to criticism and competition on the principles of democratic opposition and the free market. Unfortunately, the still visible uncriticism and absolutism of nation states in the sphere of international activity does not create conditions (or significantly delays them) for the real creation of an integrated world as a political and social whole. Due to this and the economic diversity of the world, among others, there are noticeable tendencies towards the disintegration of societies into individual groups of an economic, ideological or cultural nature. This is not conducive to world integration and the creation of a global society, despite the creation of certain real conditions for its dissemination as an independent political institution in the international arena. The current predominance of viewing world integration from a more national rather than cosmopolitan perspective does not create clear grounds for treating transnational and supra-state issues in the areas of global interests and threats. The opportunity for a noticeable advantage of the global integration option at the level of the individual interests of superpowers lies in the real creation and intensification of activities of an institution of a cosmopolitan nature, such as global civil society. By creating international public opinion, it systematically becomes a real opposition and a critic of the political actions of states in the area of ​​international relations. Effective competitive and critical actions of world public opinion could mobilize most countries to change their political priorities from national to supranational, moving towards cosmopolitan world governance.



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How to Cite

The global socio-cultural aspect in the international space. (2024). Civitas Hominibus, 10, 29-43.