Identity as a phenomenon of individual selfdetermination based on queer studies theory
identity, sexual orientation, gender, heterosexuality, homosexuality, queer, LBTAbstract
Identity concerns, on the one hand, the way in which an individual considers and constructs himself or herself as a member of specific social groups: nation, social class, cultural level, ethnicity, gender, occupation on the other hand, however, the way in which the norms of these groups make each individual think, behave, position and relate to himself or herself, to others, to the group to which he or she belongs and to external groups understood, perceived and classified as otherness. Following the theses of Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida and Julia Kristeva, queer theory questions the naturalness of each individual’s gender identity, sexual identity and sexual acts, arguing that they are wholly or partially socially constructed and therefore individuals cannot be described by general terms such as ‚heterosexual’ or ‚female’. Queer theory therefore challenges the common practice of compartmentalising the description of a person so that they ‚fit’ into one or more specific, defined categories.
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