The problem of democracy in the European Union


  • Angelika Gieraś University of Warsaw Autor



democracy, European Union, European society, social capital


If the idea of ​​a federal Europe, an imperial Europe or an à la carte Europe arises among the member states, both the legal system and the axiological system can be adapted to contemporary needs. Depending on the needs of the future Union, such actions can be taken. There is undoubtedly a need for greater education of citizens and more effective building of European social, political and economic capital. This process is more difficult across the EU than within individual Member States. European societies may be discouraged from taking actions that deepen integration because they perceive a lack of efficiency and effectiveness in Community activities. The European Union has guaranteed fair membership rules for countries, and lack of respect for the principles of democracy within a given country is a criterion that disqualifies membership in the Community, both among current members and potential candidates. The European Commission is the "guardian of the treaties" and is competent to assess the actions taken by European governments.



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How to Cite

The problem of democracy in the European Union. (2020). Civitas Hominibus, 14, 91-97.

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