OA policy and licence
The presentations of scientific research, their analysis and synthesis and the exchange of different views from the field of management published in the journal are available under the so-called Open Access system.
All publications on the journal's website are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence (see full licence wording). For the reader, this means that the content of the journal is available to both the user and his/her institution without charge. Users may read, download, copy, print, search, use the full texts of articles, as well as use them for any lawful purpose without seeking permission from the publisher or author. This is in line with the BOAI definition of free access. For the author, this means that - by submitting a text for publication in a journal - he or she agrees to the above policy.
Repository policy for scientific journals of AHE in Łódź
- When publishing the results of scientific research in journals issued by the Academy of Humanities and Economics in Łódź, a contract between the author(s) and the university regarding the transfer of economic copyrights to the university serves as the basis.
- The transfer of economic copyrights, as mentioned in point 1 above, should be granted indefinitely across all known fields of exploitation, allowing the university to publicly share the publication so that anyone can access it at a time and place of their choosing. It should also permit free and technically unrestricted use of the publication, along with the granting of an open Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 or later (CC-BY) license or a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 or later (CC-BY-SA) license.
- If the author(s) intend to use the publication for their own purposes, they must obtain prior written consent from the university, explicitly specifying the time, scope, and fields of exploitation under which they may use the publication.