About the Journal

The scientific periodical “Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarce i Biznesie” is devoted to the  innovation in theory and practice of management.

The development of  management methods, theoretically and practically-oriented research as well as expert activity help to modernise the practice and to tackle the challenges involved. For the integration and inspiration of the scientific community, it is necessary to exchange thoughts and experience as well as present the results of research and studies. Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarce i Biznesie created a scientific discussion forum for the representatives of various fields of knowledge, analysing from their own research perspectives problems of management and their conditioning as well as creating and developing new tendencies in management.

“Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarce i Biznesie” is a periodical of the Faculty of Management, issued by the University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź.   It is a half-yearly periodical published since 2005. The periodical is reviewed and is of supra-regional level.

On the B list of periodicals of MNiSW it received 5 p. (2019). It is index-linked in the following databases: Pol-index and Index Copernicus (ICV 2018 88.39) and present in BazEcon and BazHum.
It received the number: DOI 10.25312/2391-5129.

In June 2021 our periodical (in English: “Managing Innovation in the Economy and Business”) has been accepted to the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences ERIH PLUS database, an open-access index of scientific journals in the humanities and social sciences, created by the Norwegian Center for Research Data.
The journal's profile in the database: https://dbh.nsd.uib.no/publiseringskanaler/erihplus/periodical/info?id=5...

The editorial team follows the principles of publication ethics according to COPE (Comittee on Publication Ethics) diagrams.

The periodical comprises of publications of the following scope:
I. Theoretical research
II. Empirical research results
III. Scientific work of young scientists and students
IV. Reviews
V. Information about organised and planned conferences and conventions.

You are invited to publish in our periodical!

Specific features of the periodical

The periodical covers a wide range of topics related to innovative management and aims to provide up-to-date knowledge and analysis of innovation management in different areas of the economy and business. The journal publishes both academic articles that present original research and analysis in the field of innovative management, as well as practitioner articles that focus on applied aspects and case studies related to the success of innovative business ventures. In this way, the journal provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience between researchers, practitioners and decision-makers. The journal is interdisciplinary, combining different fields and disciplines of study, e.g. social sciences and engineering sciences, including management and quality, economics and finance, security sciences as well as transport, among others. The idea is to understand innovation and innovation management from different perspectives and to apply this knowledge in practice. The published articles also look at the future of innovation and the changes that may affect the economy and business. 


ISSN: 1895-5088 (print version), e-ISSN: 2391-5129 (electronic version).
Texts published in ‘Innovative Management in Economy and Business’ carry individual, unique DOI identifiers [10.25312/2391-5129].

Indexing and scoring

In the MoE scoring, the journal scored 2 points in 2010, up to 6 p. in 2016. In the 2021 list of scientific journals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, it scored 20 points.
The journal with international coverage (DOI 10.25312/2391-5129) is currently indexed in databases:
Library of Science 
ERIH Plus 
ICI Journals Master List / ICI World of Journals 


The journal is published twice a year as a biannual, in the months of July and December.

Languages of publication

Preference is given to articles in English, Polish and German.

Original version

The primary version of the journal is the printed version. The printed version of the periodical can be ordered from the publisher's website.

Scientific level

The journal ‘Innovative Management in Economy and Business’ may only publish original articles that meet the criterion of high scientific level (see information for authors). 
The editors encourage the submission of texts that are a form of scientific discussion with articles previously published in the journal. All forms of written expression (letters, polemics) in which the authors consider the issues in a scientific manner (by means of a series of questions and answers, exchange of ideas, making and proving the validity of claims and their criticism) - will be published in the journal upon the approval of the editors. 
Ensuring a high level of scientific papers published in ‘Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarki i Biznesie’ is possible thanks to reliable reviewing procedures practised in the Editorial Office (see reviewing procedures) and respecting the principles of publication ethics (see ethical principles) developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

History of the journal

The journal ‘Innovative Management in Economy and Business’ was registered in April 2005 as a biannual published by the Higher School of Humanities and Economics in Łódź (now the Academy of Humanities and Economics in Łódź). Professor Halina Worach-Kardas became the editor-in-chief. The first issue was published in 2005. From 2010, the editors-in-chief were Prof. Stanisława Wilmańska-Sosnowska, Prof. Ewa Łazarow, Prof. Beniamin Włoszczowski and Dr Ewa Miłkowska. In 2011, Dr Ewa Miłkowska was replaced by Dr Jacek Cheda. Since 2012, there has been another change in the editorial team. Dr Zenon Ślusarczyk became the new editor-in-chief, and from 2013 Dr Jerzy Janczewski became his deputy, who have held these roles until now.

Publisher and owner of the journal

The journal is published by the Publishing House of the Academy of Humanities and Economics in Łódź, Poland. The owner of the journal is the Academy of Humanities and Economics in Łódź. The journal is published with the funds of the Owner. The publisher does not charge any fees from authors. It is possible to publish advertisements related to the thematic scope of the journal (conferences, events, publications).