The politics of representation: relations between ideology,  power and sex


  • Anna Kronenberg Autor



the politics of representation, gender, religion, racism, Sexism, power relations


This article refers to relations between ideology, power and sex. Research in this field is carried out in the framework of gender studies and the “politics of representation”. In this article I discuss the impact of patriarchal and colonial ideology and religion on the representations of women, including women of colour, in culture. I also discuss the historical, social and political consequences of those representations for real women and their (our) lives. Representation is always a political act, an act of power. And being represented by others often means being discriminated against, which is frequently connected to a lack of civil rights. 


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How to Cite

The politics of representation: relations between ideology,  power and sex. (2024). Civitas Hominibus, 9, 27-38.

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