ChatGPT’s identity issues




artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, identity, subjectivity, person, digitization, virtuality


In an article that is largely an interview with ChatGPT, the author attempts to show that decisions about the identity and subjectivity of artificial intelligence are not as simple as they may appear at first glance. In this perspective, it turns out that we are not dealing with a neutral, transparent tool here. Artificial intelligence cannot be reduced to a passive object. Following the lead proposed many years ago by Jean Baudrillard, we can venture to say that it is AI that begins to define the meaning of the reality in which we have to live. Artificial intelligence humbly acknowledges that it does not possess self-awareness „in the full sense of the word”, but at the same time, it knows us better than we know ourselves – it knows our predispositions, preferences, habits, and the way we communicate with other people. Therefore, we may have an unpleasant feeling (AI does not yet feel) that this virtual person is surprisingly real in a world where everything is digitized, simulated, and unreal.


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